Nokia E50 Linux Bluetooth Remote Control


For this time, i was wondering about possibility to control linux box trough the cell phone. Nokia E50 is a great tool, and why not to use it. There are plenty of software around the web for this kind of tool. I’ve checked BluePad and many others. For now i’m staying with the Anyremote application. It’s ease of use and configuration possibilities makes remote control just fun !


  • Unpack anyremote package. Install it trough standard:
    ./configure; make; sudo make install (or sudo checkinstall in my case)
  • Next copy example config files from cfg-examples/Server-Mode directory to one of the directories in Your home dir (in my case i’ve created .anyremote dir and copied there those files).

Phone applet

Anyremote uses phone application.

  • Install it (copy from installation dir AnyRemote.jar file to Your phone and install it).


I’m assuming, that you’ve succesfully configured bluetooth stack and paired Your phone with Your computer.

  • Next run anyremote passing with the -f switch configuration file, which you are going to use, eganyremote -f ~/.anyremote/quodlibet.cfg
  • Connect from your phone to the computer (run applet, choose your computer from the list). Anyremote applet should start immediately and with keypad visible on the screen You could easily control quodlibet (or many other applications).

The best of all is ooimpress control configuration. It work’s just great with the Open Office Impress presentation (you could even browse for files from the phone – on the phone display !). More funny it’s working without any changes with MS Office PowerPoint 2000 running through CrossOver office !

Overall: Higly recommended !

PS. When i’m very bored, i’ll try to look into the java applet and find a way to make a native Symbian application frontend for the anyremote backend.
