Plugin (handler) for the deskbar applet. It allows for searched in the specified gnomecatalog catalog. Installation is simple and easy.
Planned features
- Search in all gnomecatalog catalogs in the provided dir (not in only one catalog
- Extract meta-information from the catalog
Extract files from the archive and copy it to the deskbar handler catalog:
- in HOME directory .gnome2/deskbar-applet/handlers/ or with new 2.20.1 api .gnome2/deskbar-applet/modules-2.20-compatible
- in global directory /usr/lib/deskbar-applet/handlers/
- use provided makefile (make install) – it will copy to the global directory. Remember to have write access to this dir
Plugin list with gnomecatalog handler
Search result
- 0.1 – first public version.
- 0.2 – limit query when length < 3 chars (performance issue)
- 2.20.1 – compatible with the newest Deskbar API
- 2.22.1 – small changes dealing with new deskbar requirement method